вторник, 1 декабря 2015 г.

What the Experts Say I

There are already many studies about addiction to the Internet and social network despite they exist relatively not for long. For example, The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology studied the level of social networks dependence among students who are teacher candidates of Sakarya University in Turkey. The article say that many people have not a control over their using social networks and this usage "seriously harms a person’s life". 
  1257 students of this university participated in the study (there was 739 females and 518 males of different levels of education from freshmen to senior). Using Internet Addiction Test by Dr. Kimberly Young (director of Netaddiction.com and the Center for Internet Addiction) which consists of "Facebook Addiction Scale 20 items are about determining of the Facebook Addiction and 2 items are about personal information" they found out that males are prone the addiction more than females! (For me it is quite surprising because I have thought that girls spend more time taking selfies and chatting with friends.) So, the study showed that there is a big difference in the addiction between not only genders but also and between ages "seniors are more significantly addicted to the Facebook than juniors, sophomores and freshmen."  
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (July 2012A NEW ADDICTION FOR TEACHER CANDIDATES: SOCIAL NETWORKS  

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